Autumn Equinox
Virtual Retreat

Prepare Your Vessel and Receive Your Life Force for the Time Ahead

September 22 - 24, 2024

The Autumn Equinox is more than just a time of balance—it marks the beginning of a new cycle where we step into the shadow side of the year. This Autumn, we are entering the shadow of the Year of the 8, with the Star Archetype leading the way. This is a time when the hidden, darker aspects of our journey come into focus, not to be feared, but to be understood and integrated into our spiritual growth.

The Star Archetype, representing clarity, insight, and hope, will guide us through this period of shadow work. This is an opportunity to reflect on the parts of ourselves and our lives that we often avoid or suppress. We are called to learn from the shadow, to see it as a teacher rather than an obstacle. However, confronting the shadow side of ourselves and the world is not easy—it requires guidance, support, and the right spiritual tools.

Why We Need Guidance to Navigate the Shadow

Throughout time, the grace of the teacher has been available to those truly committed to their spiritual path. The ego’s influence is powerful, creating resistance, fear, and patterns that keep us stuck in the same cycles. Without the assistance of higher spiritual beings, teachings, and rituals, the ego alone cannot transcend itself.This is where the Autumn Equinox Virtual Retreat comes in. This event is designed to give you the tools, guidance, and spiritual support you need to work through the shadow and create a new reality for yourself.

What You’ll Experience Over 3 Days:

Day 0: Sunday, Sept 22 - Equinox Eve

  • 8:15 AM & 5:45 PM – Stardust Broadcast Releasing Broken Promises and Vows*
  • 7:05 PM – Candle Lighting Meditation*
  • 7:30 PM – Evening Meditation & Welcome Lecture
  • 8:30 PM – Suggested Dinner Plan: Building the Vessel with food, meal prep how-to will be provided.

Day 1: Monday, Sept 23 - Harsh Judgement Day

  • 9:30 AM – Morning Stardust Broadcast*
  • 10:15 AM – Virtual Doors Open
  • 10:30 AM – Lecture on the Power of the Equinox
  • 11:30 AM – Libra Ingress Chart Reading & Meditation
  • 12:15 PM – Spiritual Reflection & Wine Connection; Suggested Lunch Plan: Building the Vessel with food, meal prep how-to will be provided.

Day 3: Tuesday, Sept 24 - Gentle Judgement (Equinox Aftermath)

  • 9:30 AM – Morning Stardust Broadcast*
  • 10:15 AM – Virtual Doors Open
  • 10:30 AM – Lecture on The Star and its counterparts
  • 11:30 AM – The Star Workshop, personal questions, etc.
  • 12:15 PM – Wine Connection; Suggested Dinner Plan: Building the Vessel with food, meal prep how-to will be provided.
  • 12:15 PM – Stardust Broadcast*

What You Will Experience in This Retreat

Join us as we navigate this pivotal spiritual moment through a series of live teachings, meditations, and unique rituals. You won’t be alone in this journey. Together, we will explore how to embrace the lessons of the shadow side of the year, guided by the wisdom of the Star Archetype.

Key Features of the Retreat:

Live Lectures on the Star Archetype

Explore how the Star Archetype will influence your spiritual journey over the next six months. Learn why working with the shadow side is essential for your growth and how to navigate this challenging but transformative energy.

Guided Meditations

Designed to help you tune into the energy of the Autumn Equinox and align yourself with the new archetype being inaugurated. These meditations will support your journey of reflection and integration.

Rituals for Ego Transcendence

Rituals to help you break through the persistence of the ego and connect to the higher spiritual beings guiding this time of transformation.

Tools for Shadow Work

You’ll receive spiritual tools and practices to help you face and integrate your shadow, allowing you to grow stronger and wiser through this process.


REPLAY Package

Access to all live sessions and recordings
PDF meal suggestions for nourishment
Stardust Broadcasts at crucial times
Candle Lighting Rituals
Exclusive Meditations


Access to all live sessions and recordings
PDF meal suggestions for nourishment
Stardust Broadcasts at crucial times
Candle Lighting Rituals
Exclusive Meditations

Why This Virtual Event Matters

This event isn’t just about introspection—it’s about transformation. The shadow side of the year is not something to be feared but rather a necessary phase of growth. By confronting the darker aspects of our nature, we create the conditions for true spiritual evolution. But this work is difficult to do alone.

Through this retreat, you’ll have access to the spiritual guidance and support you need to transcend the ego and create a new reality. This workshop offers you the tools, teachings, and rituals that will help you rise above the limitations of your current circumstances.


  • Sign Up: Participants register for the Autumn Equinox Virtual Retreat. During the sign-up process, they choose their desired package (Basic or Premium, if applicable).
  • Gain Immediate Access to the Retreat Dashboard. Download the meal plan to prepare ahead of time.
  • Option to Register for Future Events
  • Join the Community: Engage on Telegram fellow Zodiac Hackers, share experiences, and seek guidance from experienced practitioners.
What if I can’t get the food on the suggested eating list?
What is the "Releasing Broken Promises and Vows" session?
What is the "Candle Lighting Meditation"?
What is covered in the "Evening Connection & Welcome Lecture"?
What is the focus of the "Morning Stardust Reflection"?
What will the "Lecture on the Equinox" cover?


October 9. The Mid-Equinox marks the culmination of this journey, where your spiritual verdict for the year is sealed.