The New Moon Eclipse of Justice: Transforming Karma and Unleashing Growth
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The New Moon Eclipse of Justice: Transforming Karma and Unleashing Growth

September 30, 2024

Harness the Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra to Transcend Karmic Patterns and Align with Cosmic Balance
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New Moon October 2, 2024. As we journey through the Thirteen Days of Atonement leading up to the MidEquinox, we find ourselves in a rare period of deep spiritual transformation. This is a time when the universe asks us to reflect on our desires—are they rooted in self-interest, or do they serve a higher, more collective purpose? These days offer us a unique opportunity to purify our vessel—the part of us that seeks fulfillment—and align it with a consciousness of sharing, rather than ego.

The lessons of this period are profound, guiding us to atone for past actions and patterns that have kept us disconnected from our true potential. It’s about shifting from fragmentation to unity, embracing the idea that we are all part of a greater whole. The energy of this time is powerful but requires inner work. To move forward, we must confront the ways we’ve sought fulfillment—whether for personal gain or for the collective good—and make the necessary corrections.

Now, as we stand at the brink of the Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra, the energy intensifies. This eclipse not only disrupts the usual flow but magnifies the themes of these thirteen days, offering a moment of powerful transformation. It asks us to confront the shadows that have kept us from truly growing and calls us to rise above the confusion, negativity, and karmic patterns that may surface.


In order to set positive intentions, we are invited to recognize how our past decisions, thoughts, words, and actions shape our present reality, as well as the future we are constantly creating.

We are being asked to look at the cause-and-effect relationship between our decisions and their outcomes. Justice is not just about external fairness or societal judgment; it is about cosmic balance—the idea that everything we do has energy consequences that ripple throughout the time and space continuum. Libra’s archetype serves as a reminder that the universe is always in perfect balance, even when we cannot immediately perceive it.

Consider that the past and future are interconnected. Lessons of the past are not isolated moments; they are foundational experiences that shape tomorrow. As we stand in the Thirteen Days of Atonement and witness the New Moon Solar Eclipse, we are invited to look at the decisions we've made—especially those that may have been self-serving or unaligned with our higher purpose. This eclipse reminds us that these actions have set the stage for the present, and that even now, the decisions we make today will dictate the future.

Every thought we entertain, every word we speak, and every action we take carries weight. The solar eclipse, which obscures the light, symbolizes the potential for temporary confusion, making it essential to rise above reactionary responses and hold ourselves accountable for what we are projecting into the world.

The South Node during the eclipse further intensifies the karma patterns from our past—whether from this life or previous incarnations—affect the situations we face today. 

This influence reminds us that these patterns are not punishments but lessons designed to bring us into balance. Our task during this eclipse is to recognize the areas where we are still carrying unresolved karma and make conscious efforts to transform those energies.

We must confront the understanding that nothing in our lives is accidental. Our reality is a reflection of the accumulation of our past actions and choices. This eclipse period invites us to take responsibility for our past while simultaneously empowering us to change the course of the future by making more conscious, aligned decisions today.

Unlike human concepts of fairness, Justice in the tarot represents a Divine order. It asks us to examine how we are contributing to the collective balance or imbalance through our actions. The eclipse challenges us to stay grounded in this awareness, even when the light seems obscured.

There is a way to transform life’s regrets, losses, and woes into beautiful opportunities. There are two paths to choose from, and we will reveal them in our Eclipse Workshop

This Solar Eclipse in Libra challenges us to confront what has been done to us and what we’ve done ourselves. How can we shift from pain to growth? How do we find the blessings hidden in chaos? This workshop will awaken 

  • Foresight: A clearer understanding of how your past actions shape future outcomes.
  • Clarity: The ability to recognize the hidden patterns driving your decisions and how to break free from them.
  • Empowerment: A deeper connection to your inner wisdom, allowing you to act with intention rather than reaction.
  • Alignment: Insight into how the energy of the cosmos affects your personal journey, giving you the tools to align with divine timing.
  • Transformation: The power to turn karmic burdens into opportunities for growth, moving from fragmentation to unity.

Join us to uncover the answers. It’s time to choose your path.

New Moon
The New Moon Eclipse of Justice: Transforming Karma and Unleashing Growth

September 30, 2024

Harness the Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra to Transcend Karmic Patterns and Align with Cosmic Balance
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